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Achieve Financial Independence Through Real Estate

Achieve Financial Freedom | Maximize Family Time | Make an Impact | Leave a Legacy
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Achieve Financial Freedom
Maximize Family Time
Make an Impact
Leave a Legacy

Financial Independence
Real Estate

Let's do this!

Hi! I’m Dan. I launched Cornerstone Financial Planning, LLC to help people gain clarity on their highest priorities in life and create a financial plan to achieve them!

I was a product of the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) community before FI was even a thing! I read The Millionaire Next Door, The Total Money Makeover, and Rich Dad Poor Dad in college and never looked back!

So when I found the FIRE community back in ~2015, we were already in a great position, having been DINKs and investing probably over 30% of our income. But I always struggled with the emphasis on the “RE” aspect. Early retirement never resonated with me. But over time, I came to value the freedom to work under my terms.

That was good, because in January 2019 I found out that I couldn’t split my deployment in half like I had been planning. I was on a helicopter flying to a tiny outpost in Eastern Afghanistan worried about not making it home for the birth of our son when it hit me – THIS is why FI is so important! Not so that I can retire to a couch but rather so that I can be where I want to be, doing what I want to do with those I love the most. It was then that I decided to switch career paths to financial planning. Long story short, I made it home for our son’s birth, and it was one of the best days of my life.

My goal is for everyone to find their *why for FI* and then create their ideal life NOW to live it out. We only get one shot at this, and sadly, I’ve seen too many people’s journeys end too soon. So, my “RE” is real estate and recreational employment! If that resonates with you, you’re in the right place!

PS – Travel recommendations are included if you love to travel, as we’ve been to 37 countries! I hope you enjoy the pics!

There are many things money can buy, but the most valuable of all is freedom. Freedom to do what you want and to work for whom you respect.

JL Collins in The Simple Path to Wealth

Cornerstone Financial Planning Clients Receive…

Fiduciary Advice. I only advise what is in your best interest. My service model mitigates conflicts of interest and aligns my interests with my Clients’.

Tailored Advice. Your values and goals form the lens through which all financial recommendations are made.

Fee-Only. I’m only compensated by my Clients. I offer a flat fee service menu to help ensure that you only pay for what you need.

Simplified Decision-Making. Make financial decisions without anxiety. I’ll help you analyze opportunities and decide with confidence!

Factor-Based Investing Strategy. A Nobel Prize-backed strategy aimed at optimizing long-term returns.

Real Estate Coaching. I provide the coaching I wish I had when buying my first multifamily property! My goal is to help my Clients build passive income.

Real Estate Planning. I help my Clients optimize their rental portfolio and incorporate their investments into your retirement income plan.

Peace Of Mind. When you work with a trusted guide, you’ll regain control over your life and finances, confidently progressing towards your goals.

Regaining control of your time and money enables you to pursue your family, your passions, and to make a positive impact in your community

Working With Me Is Easy

Schedule the Intro Call

Find out if we’re a good fit. If not, I’ll gladly refer you to other fee-only advisors.

Collaborate On Your Plan

We’ll begin meeting to develop your personalized plan for financial freedom.

Pursue Financial Independence!

Enjoy the journey, knowing that your life, money, & values are aligned as you achieve your goals!


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